Thursday, 29 October 2015

nature as art, the next.

Bare branches of winter, Sheffield England

A few more natural delights from another time. The odd brisk, sharp wind that has been late arriving reminds me that the world is turning towards darker days.

Going to seed, Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh Scotland

Every bloom and leaf is returning to earth. The world dances toward rebirth - it's hard not to skip down the street in amongst the cascade of falling leaves.

Autumnal meadow, Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh Scotland

A few last blooms remain in the post on my balcony, but skeleton trees make their presence known across the skyline. Looking forward to watching the squirrels race amongst their bare branches once more.

Friday, 23 October 2015

digital days.

A few new(ish) toys that I've been spending more time with lately - Adobe iPad app and a pressure sensitive stylus. I've been thinking about getting back into making greetings cards & other such-like things, and making art digitally is an option I've been considering. I do like the contemporary twist it gives to pieces.


This accidentally became quite Disney-like... I have quite a few art books scattered around the house featuring collections from some of the great Disney artists and animators, I can sense an afternoon perusing them will soon be on the cards.

Rather liking the florals on a dark background... I sense a collection of my own may materialise before long.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

a pencil at work.

Pencil-work preparation on postcard size paper, to be brought to life with watercolours. These will be part of my Frameable Fairytales series... they're still waiting to be anointed with their own particular story, however. I daresay they'll become clear as the colours begin to bloom upon them.

The above was inspired by some of the artwork within The Adventures of Alice Laselles: A Children's Story written by Queen Victoria, a truly magical book.